Free Sego Lily Seminar

Gospel in Context Evangelizing Southern Idaho and Beyond

Join us for a free one-day evangelism seminar in Chubbuck, Idaho.


Real-life Questions. Real-life Answers.

Greg Baker

Greg Baker

Sego Lily President

Equipping the Saints for LDS Ministry

The Apostle Paul commissions every believer for the work of the ministry (Ephesians 4:12) and commands Church Leaders to equip them for that ministry (Ephesians 4:25).

Since a large percentage of our neighbors in Southern Idaho are Latter-day Saints, our goal is to equip you for ministry to LDS friends, family, and neighbors. We’ll begin by lovingly describing LDS history and doctrine. And then we’ll show you how to move your conversations with LDS friends past small talk to faith.

Practical Evangelism Training

Seminar Details

  • Christ-centered evangelism training
  • Instruction on the basic tenants on the LDS faith
  • Proven advice from experienced pastors
  • Practical strategies for unscripted faith-talk
  • Fellowship with other born-again Christians
  • Free! (donations are accepted)

Seminar Schedule


History of the LDS Faith

What is the LDS Church and how did it get there?


Theology of the LDS Faith

What do most Latter-day Saints believe about God, people, and salvation?


Strategies for Evangelistic Conversations with LDS Friends

How can you effectively engage your LDS friends in matters of faith?”


Questions, Answers, and Practical Applications

How can we help you with the unique situations that you face?



Other Seminar Details

  • Light refreshments
  • Designed for Born-again Christians
  • The Sego Lily Foundation is a registered 501(c)3

Hosted by University Bible Church

Chubbuck, Idaho

Reserve Your Spot

Please register below to confirm your attendance and to help us plan materials and refreshments.