Free Sego Lily Seminar

Gospel in Context What about the Trinity?

Join us for a free one-day evangelism seminar in Salt Lake City, Utah.


Real-life Questions. Real-life Answers.

Greg Baker

Greg Baker

Sego Lily President

What about the Trinity?

If you minister to Latter-day Saints for any length of time, you’ll inevitably get the question, What about the Trinity? It’s a question that can intimidate born-again Christians. Yet, it’s a gift-wrapped opportunity to share the true the gospel of Jesus Christ.

The Trinity question fast-tracks us to the heart of LDS theology and to greatness of Christ’s sacrifice. With a relatively small amount of training and easy-to-remember steps, you can welcome the question, What about the Trinity?

Practical Evangelism Training

Seminar Details

  • Engaging, interactive, and Christ-centered teaching
  • Instruction on key trinitarian terms
  • Proven advice from experienced pastors
  • Practical strategies for unscripted faith-talk
  • Fellowship with other born-again Christians
  • Free! (donations are accepted)

Seminar Schedule


The Godhead: Understanding the LDS Perspective

We will explore the basic details of the LDS godhead.


The Trinity: A Biblical Necessity for Salvation

What does the Bible teach about the biblical God?


Breakout Sessions: Are Mormons Christian? The Trinity in History

What does the history of the Trinity tell us about the LDS faith?


Questions, Answers, and Practical Applications

A practical session intended to help you answer personal questions about sharing the gospel with your LDS friends.



Other Seminar Details

  • Light refreshments
  • Designed for Born-again Christians
  • The Sego Lily Foundation is a registered 501(c)3

Hosted by Evangelical Free Church of Salt Lake City

Salt Lake City, Utah

Reserve Your Spot

Please register below to confirm your attendance and to help us plan materials and refreshments.