Greg Baker
Sego Lily President
What about the Trinity?
If you minister to Latter-day Saints for any length of time, you’ll inevitably get the question, What about the Trinity? It’s a question that can intimidate born-again Christians. Yet, it’s a gift-wrapped opportunity to share the true the gospel of Jesus Christ.
The Trinity question fast-tracks us to the heart of LDS theology and to greatness of Christ’s sacrifice. With a relatively small amount of training and easy-to-remember steps, you can welcome the question, What about the Trinity?
Practical Evangelism Training
Seminar Details
- Engaging, interactive, and Christ-centered teaching
- Instruction on key trinitarian terms
- Proven advice from experienced pastors
- Practical strategies for unscripted faith-talk
- Fellowship with other born-again Christians
- Free! (donations are accepted)
Why is the Trinity important?
How can I share with clarity?
How can I exalt God’s excellencies?
Seminar Schedule
The Godhead: Understanding the LDS Perspective
We will explore the basic details of the LDS godhead.
The Trinity: A Biblical Necessity for Salvation
What does the Bible teach about the biblical God?
Breakout Sessions: Are Mormons Christian? The Trinity in History
What does the history of the Trinity tell us about the LDS faith?
Questions, Answers, and Practical Applications
A practical session intended to help you answer personal questions about sharing the gospel with your LDS friends.
Other Seminar Details
- Light refreshments
- Designed for Born-again Christians
- The Sego Lily Foundation is a registered 501(c)3
Hosted by Evangelical Free Church of Salt Lake City
Salt Lake City, Utah