Should I bring up Joseph Smith?
Start with God, listen thoughtfully, and apply God's test for prophets to keep the conversation civil and Bible-centered.
Read PostStart with God, listen thoughtfully, and apply God's test for prophets to keep the conversation civil and Bible-centered.
Read PostGod reveals Himself in the Bible. Here are some ways you can help your Mormon friend learn the biblical God by reading the Bible.
Read PostLearn the importance of patience in discipleship, lovingly guiding others in their spiritual growth, and reflecting God's patient love in our own lives.
Read PostAdvice for born-again Christians considering attending an LDS service with a friend. Consider liberty of conscience, church connection, and a settled faith.
Read PostIt's important to intervene when false beliefs are shared to actively love those who hold them by sharing the truth with grace.
Read PostLearn how John 4:24 shows the necessity and practicality of truth when discussing differences between Mormonism and Biblical Christianity. Jesus' conversation with a woman at a well offers a path to worshiping God in spirit and in truth in your evangelism.
Read PostWhen presenting the gospel, it’s important to use terms that resonate with the unsaved. For that reason, it’s wise to address the fear of family that often hinders Latter-day Saints from hearing the gospel by pointing them to a greater fear of God, by pointing them to the grandeur of God.
Read PostGod empowers us for ministry through prayer. Mark 9 depicts a scene between Christ and his disciples where he guides them to prayer as the answer for their powerlessness.
Read PostDiscover how the story of the thief on the cross challenges the LDS system of salvation. Learn how faith in Jesus alone is sufficient for salvation.
Read PostPray bold prayers and expect bold answers from God. Spirit-born boldness in prayer overcomes fear and leads to fruitful evangelistic opportunities with LDS family and friends.
Read PostBeing invited to a service is a mark of trust and I would strongly encourage you to attend if just a few conditions are met.
Read PostLearn how to evangelize more genuinely and compellingly by contemplating the entirety of the Bible’s teaching on God’s grace and meditating on Christ’s extravagant pardon.
Read PostShould born-again Christians use the King James Version of the Bible in LDS evangelism?
Read PostWhen we face discouragement in evangelism, look to examples of biblical faithfulness for direction, focus, and perseverance.
Read PostThe last thread that often connects former Mormons to the LDS faith is family. The pull of this connection is made even stronger if a loved one has already died. What does Jesus say to these dear people and what can you say?
Read PostLatter-day Saints are often very friendly and kind, and so they make wonderful neighbors. Can your Christian neighborliness still shine in morally-uplifting environments? Yes, the Apostle Paul gives us at least two directives for gospel neighborliness in Colossians 4:5–6.
Read PostFriendships between Mormons and born-again Christians inevitably hit a conflict point: the nature and source of truth. But this difference doesn’t have to stop the conversation! The wise Christian can see the conversation as an invitation to deepen the relationship for the sake of the gospel.
Read PostThe experience of faithful evangelism often feels like frustration. What does God want us to do with these frustrations? Are we to simply soldier on or does He have some greater purpose in us?
Read PostMany Christians first interact with Latter-day Saints when they’re visited by an LDS Missionary. Should you invite them into your home? Should you turn them away and offer to meet elsewhere?
Read PostWhen faced with the mounting challenges of witnessing to Latter-day Saints, it’s important to let the God of Hope speak joyfully to our discouragement and skepticism.
Read PostQuality opportunities for the gospel nearly always come in the context of a relationship. But how do you build relationships with Latter-day Saints? Let me suggest four watch words: accept, respect, build, and serve.
Read PostGod’s internal work in your Latter-day Saint friend’s heart is the decisive factor in their salvation, but how should you pray for them? Let’s examine how to pray specifically and deeply for your Latter-day Saint friends and family members by looking at Jesus’s parable in Mark 4, the Parable of the Soils.
Read PostIt often takes only one well-worded question to get Latter-day Saints on the hunt for truth. Let’s explore three characteristics of great questions for Latter-day Saints.
Read PostQuestions are central to effective evangelism because questions can invite thought and build relationships. Learn how to ask effective questions when witnessing to your LDS friends and family.
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