Discovering God Together Bible Study Lessons

Below you’ll find all seven Bible study lessons linked. Once you’ve finished preparing to teach any lesson using the Equipping Course, locate the lesson below and open it in any web browser. If you have any trouble, please contact us at

Lesson 1: Discovering God’s Foundation

Lesson 1: Discovering God’s Foundation

Lesson 1 focuses on authority. Some claim reason, experience, emotions, or tradition as the ultimate determiner of truth. Jesus says, “Your word is truth” (John 17:17). This lesson establishes the Bible—the book God breathed out—as the universal ultimate authority on God, people, and truth itself.

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Lesson 2: Discovering God’s Nature

Lesson 2: Discovering God’s Nature

Lesson 2 asks the question, “What does the Bible tell us about God?” The Bible separates everything and everyone into one of two categories: Creator or creature. This lesson describes God’s absolute uniqueness and the eternal dangers of worshiping creatures rather than the Creator.

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Lesson 3: Discovering God’s Messiah

Lesson 3: Discovering God’s Messiah

Lesson 3 establishes that Jesus is the long-awaited Messiah who was predicted in the Old Testament and proclaimed in the New Testament. He is a member of the Godhead and yet fully human, too. He is, therefore, the only one who can quench the eternal wrath of the eternal God.

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Lesson 4: Discovering God’s Salvation

Lesson 4: Discovering God’s Salvation

Lesson 4 explains how the LDS Church defines salvation and then provides the biblical concept of salvation. Jesus is the only one who can save us from our sin and God’s eternal wrath. Biblically, salvation is necessary, individual, complete, gracious, substitutionary, immediate, and transformational.

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Lesson 5: Discovering God’s Voice

Lesson 5: Discovering God’s Voice

Lesson 5 answers the all-important question, “Who can speak for God?” Many have claimed this right, and the Bible encourages us to test their claims with a series of tests. We have in Jesus Christ the consummate Living Prophet who not only speaks God’s Word, but who Himself is the Word.

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Lesson 6: Discovering God’s Church

Lesson 6: Discovering God’s Church

Lesson 6 explains what the Bible means when it uses the term “church.” It details the essential components of a church, introduces several New Testament word pictures for the Church, and then commands all true believers to invest in Christ’s Church by using their gifts.

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