Should I Pray About the Book of Mormon?
Latter-day Saints often encourage their friends to pray for wisdom to know if the Mormon scriptures are true. Does praying give ground or show sincerity? Is it ever wrong to pray?
Read PostNew Course: What About the Trinity?
New Course Launch: What About the Trinity?
Latter-day Saints often encourage their friends to pray for wisdom to know if the Mormon scriptures are true. Does praying give ground or show sincerity? Is it ever wrong to pray?
Read PostWhen we face discouragement in evangelism, look to examples of biblical faithfulness for direction, focus, and perseverance.
Read PostThe last thread that often connects former Mormons to the LDS faith is family. The pull of this connection is made even stronger if a loved one has already died. What does Jesus say to these dear people and what can you say?
Read PostLatter-day Saints are often very friendly and kind, and so they make wonderful neighbors. Can your Christian neighborliness still shine in morally-uplifting environments? Yes, the Apostle Paul gives us at least two directives for gospel neighborliness in Colossians 4:5–6.
Read PostFriendships between Mormons and born-again Christians inevitably hit a conflict point: the nature and source of truth. But this difference doesn’t have to stop the conversation! The wise Christian can see the conversation as an invitation to deepen the relationship for the sake of the gospel.
Read PostLatter-day Saints often wonder if they can trust the translation of the Bible. But the history of God’s careful preservation of His Words provides you an opportunity to share gospel confidence in the Bible.
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