Sego Lily Foundation Blog

Christianity Has No Secrets

Christianity Has No Secrets

The mystery of Christianity is that every man, woman, and child regardless of race, class, education, wealth, or any other distinction can know that they have redemption, forgiveness, and a home in heaven. There are no secret passwords, keys, signals, or handshakes.

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Is There Marriage in Heaven?

Is There Marriage in Heaven?

The Bible teaches that in the eternal state, saints will not marry one another for they will already have a spouse, the Lamb of God, the Lord Jesus Christ. There is one marriage in heaven, the people of God given to the Lamb of God.

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Pray for Good Soil

Pray for Good Soil

God’s internal work in your Latter-day Saint friend’s heart is the decisive factor in their salvation, but how should you pray for them? Let’s examine how to pray specifically and deeply for your Latter-day Saint friends and family members by looking at Jesus’s parable in Mark 4, the Parable of the Soils.

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